


The warm moment


  • Food industry




  • Brand identity

  • Packaging


The Royco brand now represents the "instant soups" category, in which it holds almost all the supermarket market share, but the category is losing ground fast. GB Foods wants to "stop the bleeding" and (re)conquer the hearts of the French, its core target (the 50+) and broaden its target by conquering young people. The brand, which until now has been the undisputed benchmark for quick breaks, has chosen to reposition itself in France at the strategic moment of dinner. By offering a quick, light solution that encourages people to let go: the ME MOMENT.


How can ROYCO get back on track and propose an offer more in line with current consumer expectations without losing its loyal customers ?

Our answer

  • Move from a brand that borrowed from snacking codes, to a Meal brand, embodying a moment for oneself, warm and healthy.
  • Capitalize on brand assets (the red color, the mug) while reinterpreting them and giving them meaning. The red has become inhabited by matter, and the mug has once again become a decorative object rather than a brand support: the brand has been liberated.
  • Review and clarify the architecture of the range by reorganizing the hierarchy of elements.
  • Telling consumers an aspirational story: moving from still life to a scene from life. Ingredients are more natural and real.
  • Reassure consumers with more natural, real ingredients and an emphasis on the intrinsic quality of the product: French manufacturing and no coloring or preservatives.
  • Accompany consumers right through to tasting: on-pack diagrams to help them prepare the product so that it quickly becomes a delicious soup.